Where in the World Is…

Former Intern: Kevin Maichen

Summer of 2017, Vermont Adaptive South Central (Pico) & Senior Program Coordinator Tom Alcorn


Q: What do you remember most about your internship? 

A: What I remember most about my internship with Vermont Adaptive was all the smiles. To me there is nothing more rewarding than helping someone who may have difficulty enjoying the outdoors get out and enjoy Vermont’s beauty healthily and actively. Whether I was getting someone out for the first time or assisting a returning participant,  helping create genuine smiles doing the things that I love will stick with me for a lifetime.


Q: Why was the internship important to you? Or was it?

A: During my internship I discovered a passion for helping individuals of all abilities practice and enjoy healthy lifestyles. After recovering from a traumatic brain injury myself it meant the world to me to help someone else, who otherwise might have difficulties, enjoy the same activities I love.  Whether I was teaching an entirely new skill, or perfecting something that we had been working on for weeks, my interest was always entirely with each participant. This coincided with my bachelor’s degree in hospitality and focused my attention on helping those who have disabilities. 


Q: Where are you now? What are you doing?

A: I now work for a therapeutic school for intermediate, middle, and high school-aged children. After my internship, I decided for myself that the best way I would be able to find similar joys was by working with the youth. At this school, I manage outdoor programming that helps our students get out and enjoy many of the same activities that are done with the help of Vermont Adaptive. Hiking, biking, snow sports, rock climbing, and skateboarding just to name a few. This school is located just a short drive from the Vermont Adaptive facility where I was located and I still maintain close contact with my internship coordinator.   


Q: Did your internship help with getting you to where you are now professionally? Personally?

A: My internship with Vermont Adaptive helped me get to where I am now. Professionally, my internship has opened up a new angle of work that uses my background in hospitality to help individuals who have disabilities. Whether I am helping develop new programs for my workplace or practicing a certain skill with a student, I use the skills that I learned with Vermont Adaptive every day. Personally, my internship gave me access to many of the outdoor sports that I enjoy. It helped me realize that regardless of your age or ability there is always more to learn. Overall, it helped me develop the growth mindset that I hold today and that I try to share with those around me.