Monthly Giving

Unrestricted Possibilities. Because of YOU!

At some point in our lives, we consider our ever-changing abilities. Many of us know someone with limited-mobility, a degenerative disease, a physical disability, or someone with different learning or cognitive abilities. What are the opportunities for them to have fun, exercise, learn a sport, and to simply play outside?

This is where YOU come in. Give smiles. Give self-confidence. Give adventures. Give independence.

One of the greatest ways you can help us sustain our annual operating fund is by giving a recurring monthly gift charged to your credit card (use the form below) or withdrawn from your bank account.

To arrange this, please contact Lexi Moore, Major Gifts Officer, at 802.786.4991 ext. 14 or

With your donation, athletes and participants have unrestricted possibilities for an endless amount of sports and recreation. There is no limit to what Vermont Adaptive participants can achieve with your generous donation.

How Make a Monthly Gift:

1. Select Ongoing

2. Choose Gift Frequency

3. Choose Your Gift Amount

How to make a monthly gift
Jaden Allen Bi Ski Adaptive Skiing