11/26/2024 – We are grateful and excited to announce that the Turtle Ridge Foundation, a long time partner and friend of Vermont Adaptive, has made an additional #GivingTuesday matching pledge of $50,000! Add that to the existing collective match from Lisa Watson & Michael Krupka, Dave and Melissa Baker, and the Kimpton Family Fund – that brings our total match challenge to $100,000!
Learn more at vermontadaptive.org/givingtuesday/
Thank You to the #GivingTuesday “Match” Makers!
Consistent with his family values of one human being helping another, Olympic Gold Medalist and World Cup Champion Bode Miller and his family came together in 2005 to establish the Turtle Ridge Foundation. The Foundation seeks to provide a philanthropic platform in the community and beyond, backing up youth and adaptive sports programs. Their goal is simple: give disabled buddies and young folks the chance to dive into sports and fun activities they might miss out on without a little boost from the Turtle Ridge Foundation. Turtle Ridge aims to grant support to organizations sharing its vision, fostering community, expanding opportunities, and promoting well-being for the adaptive community and youth sports programs. Its vision is to cultivate enduring, positive impacts on individuals and families within adaptive communities and youth sports programs worldwide.

– Michael Krupka

– Dave and Melissa Baker